In Rennes, the Red Cross marauding distributes gifts to the most disadvantaged on Christmas Eve

This marauding looks like all the others, this December 25, 2021 in Rennes. If not the chocolate Santa Claus in the middle of the table and the truck loaded with gift packages. Unexpected surprises for some social samu beneficiaries.

This is the first gift I get, it’s a crazy thing“, wonders Ibrahim, 40 years old. one year he’s been on the street in Rennes, after losing his apartment. “I didn’t expect to receive any, I live alone and I am homeless. It is heartwarming, I am really moved.“Something to give back a smile to those who wish above all”go up the slope quickly“.

Gloves, hats and chocolates

In the packages there are gloves, hats, chocolates or even phone batteries. All a list of useful or comforting items for life outside. Jean-Christophe has been a volunteer with the Red Cross since August. Spending Christmas Eve marauding was important to him. “I absolutely wanted to come and talk to them. I’m glad to see them.

Shared pleasure for David, used to the marauding in Rennes. Usually installed in front of the Champs-Libres, where he sleeps on the ground, he appreciate this gesture from the association. “My gloves, my scarf, my hat … All of this was given to me as gifts.“For the winter a friend is hosting this 50-year-old man, on the street since his release from prison four years ago. He will have 30 minutes of walking in the rain before arriving.”At least I’ll be warm and we’ll open it up quietly, like the children at Christmas. ”

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