In Rennes, a truck dedicated to clinical research comes to meet the volunteers


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A new kind of truck criss-crosses the roads of Brittany. Fully equipped for medical research, the vehicle goes directly to voluntary patients to carry out their medical follow-up. #TheyHaveTheSolution

In the field of medical research, volunteers are a valuable resource. But regular trips to the hospital can quickly demotivate volunteers. The Rennes University Hospital has found the solution. For three years, the clinical investigation teams have developed a fully equipped truck to come directly to patients to carry out their medical follow-up.The van didn’t exist when I started the study. It is true that now it motivates much more to participate in other studies as it is ten minutes from my home“, explains Sarah Demanez, volunteer.

As part of a clinical study to measure the effectiveness of the vaccine against Covid over time, this participant must regularly take blood samples. The van is equipped with all the instruments needed to carry out these examinations and analyze the results, in the best conditions. Saving time for both participants and medical staff.Very often we bring patients to the hospital when they do not need it. in addition,”they may have transport or parking problems, so we suggest going to their place”explains Professor Bruno Laviolledirector of the clinical investigation center.

The Rennes University Hospital mobile unit is a first in France. If the vehicle proves itself, the hospital wishes to extend it for other interventions. The truck could facilitate studies in retirement homes and Ehpad, in professional circles and with patients of general practitioners, far from the health establishment.

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