in Reims, homeless and refugees suffer from the hot weather

With the high temperatures settling in Champagne this week, it is strongly recommended to hydrate and stay cool: recommendations that are difficult to follow for people who are homeless. Some find a bit of freshness in the morning, at the day center of the Secours Catholique de Reims.

“When we are under the tent, it is as if we were cooking”

Every morning, they are between 50 and 80 to come and have breakfast, wash their clothes… and shower. This is also one of the strongest requests for several weeks, explains Alain Voyer, volunteer: “Last week’s record was 27 showers in two hours”. A welcome that is all the more appreciable as many of the beneficiaries live on the streetor in the camp of Saint John Perse Park, under tents. “When you’re in the tent, it’s as if you were cooking, as if there was a fire” testifies Milos, a Serbian refugee, accompanied by his four children and his pregnant wife.

There are more deaths of people on the street in the summer – Emeline Dantagny, facilitator at Secours Catholique

A situation that can be dangerous, explains Emeline Dantagny, facilitator at Secours Catholique. “We often believe that there are more deaths of people on the street in winter, but that’s not true, it’s summer: in the canvases of tents, it’s untenable, it’s steaming “. It is therefore all the more important to stay hydrated. For this, the city of Reims has many parks equipped with fountains.

Day center closed in August

The Secours Catholique day center is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, from 9 am to 11 am. Impossible to extend the hours, even in very hot weather, lack of human resources. “Employees take their holidays, and volunteers too, it’s a real need. So in the summer, there are fewer people to ensure the permanence” explains Emeline Dantagny. “We must already close on Tuesday and Thursday, because we have around thirty volunteers in July, and we need between seven and eight per morning”.
The welcome will be closed all August.

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