The measure concerns all Portuguese workers who are at least sixteen years old.
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The measure has just entered into force in Portugal on May 1, with a whole package of measures that relate to “dignified work”. The flagship provision of this reform relates to work stoppages. From now on, for a work stoppage of one, two or three days, it will no longer be necessary to go see a doctor. You can self-prescribe. It will suffice to make a simple self-declaration of sick leave, by internet or by telephone. Employees who are suffering will now be able to justify their absence to their employer via a simple sworn statement on the site of the national health service. The measure, specifies a government press release, aims to unclog this service. It also aims to lighten the task of doctors in public health centers, the only ones who can issue a sick leave. And, of course, to make life easier for users.
No more than two self-prescribed stops per year
The Ministry of Health estimates that some 600,000 consultations are scheduled every year to justify absences of up to three days. This type of short-term online work stoppage had already been tested in Portugal during the Covid-19 pandemic.
But there will still be limits. We cannot self-prescribe more than two sick leaves per year. And then the three-day limit is important. It corresponds to the waiting period during which the employee is not paid by Social Security. The government thus intends to limit the windfall effect.
This measure is not the only one recently taken by the Portuguese government. It is part of a set of measures for “dignified work” adopted in February by Parliament to improve the working conditions of employees. There are dozens of other layouts. For example those which aim to widen the situations allowing teleworking. Or an increase in severance pay.