in police custody since Saturday, Jérôme Rodrigues calls himself a “political prisoner”

Figure of the movement of “yellow vests”, he had been arrested near the Elysee Palace on Saturday by the police.

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One of the figures of “yellow vests”, Jérôme Rodrigues, arrested on Saturday February 12 near the Elysee Palace in Paris, considered to be a “political prisoner”, his lawyer said in a statement on Sunday. The man, placed in police custody for “organizing a prohibited demonstration” and “participation in a group formed with a view to committing violence”, “wishes to indicate that he is in no way the organizer of this event”writes David Libeskind in this press release.

Jérôme Rodrigues was arrested near the Elysée, while the police restored traffic on the avenue des Champs-Elysées, where demonstrators had burst into their vehicles. One of the best known of the “yellow vests” movement, Jérôme Rodrigues lost an eye during a demonstration on January 26, 2019, while he was filming the arrival of the procession at Place de la Bastille in Paris.

“For many years, he has only relayed information on his Facebook page”, explained his lawyer, adding that he was also filming the motorcades. “However, for several years my client has been harassed by the police and the Paris police headquarters through repeated identity checks”counsel adds, noting that his client had “a clean criminal record” and had no “never been the subject of any conviction”.

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