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Emmanuel Macron made his first trip to Poissy (Yvelines) as a presidential candidate. He was thus able to share several of his proposals, including the abolition of the TV license fee.
Emmanuel Macron opened his presidential campaign with a meeting with the inhabitants of Poissy, in the Yvelines. The now candidate took the opportunity to unveil his first proposals. In particular, he promised an abolition of the audiovisual license fee. A measure that should benefit the purchasing power of the French. He also announced that government aid on gasoline would be “improved” around “the mileage allowance and inflation allowance approach“.
Similarly, measures at school were mentioned, such as the introduction of 30 minutes of compulsory sport for children. Emmanuel Macron was only able to exchange for 1h30 with the locals. Indeed, the grand debate format meeting was cut short due to the international crisis in Ukraine. The next meeting on Emmanuel Macron’s agenda will be Wednesday March 9. A meeting is planned with parliamentarians from the majority.