IN PICTURES – Weather: a cloud of sand from the Sahara above the Yonne

Dust from the desert illuminatesa yellow-orange sky the sky of the Yonne and the sand covers the cars.

The phenomenon is explained by the wind which transported dust from the Sahara to Yonne, says Romain Nurel, forecaster at Météo France for the Bourgogne Franche-Comté region: “There is a depression coming up from North Africa. So it’s sand from the Sahara desert. At the moment, we have southerly winds which have carried this sand from the Sahara over the Mediterranean and Spain, to the region of Auxerre“.

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And the episode should last again this afternoon and until Thursday according to the forecaster. However, it will be less impressive in the next few days as there should be no precipitation.

A phenomenon that also brings sweetness specifies Romain Nurel “This southerly wind brings back a mild air mass and that explains the particularly mild temperatures for the season.“. Indeed, in terms of temperatures, 22 degrees are expected tomorrow March 16.

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