To celebrate its 90th anniversary, the Maison Drans biscuit factory in Sablé-sur-Sarthe did not do things by halves. This Saturday, June 4, it offered several activities on Place Raphaël-Elizé and in particular the tasting of the biggest shortbread. A cookie weighing almost 90 kg and around two meters1932 mm precisely to match the founding date of the house.
– Raphael Cann
“We know it’s something that pleases and it highlights our craftsmanship“, explains Antoine Pelletier, co-manager of the biscuit factory since 2018. “We made eleven wedges that we put together to make this shortbread.“And the taste appeals to regulars.”Very good, it is melting in the mouth and crispy at the same time. And I know it, I’ve been in Sablé for 70 years“, judges a retiree.
Valuing Shortbread and Shortbread
“I used to go to Maison Drans with my grandmother, I’ve known their biscuits since I was little“, says Nadège, who did not want to miss this party. The giant biscuit briefly paraded on the square, a short route due to the storms. members of the small sablé brotherhoodan association created in 2005 and bringing together elected officials and craftsmen with the aim of promoting this heritage.
– Raphael Cann
“We are there in our mission to promote the small shortbread, and therefore the city“, explains Jean-Claude Bêchepois, the grand master. They all wear the outfit of the brotherhood, a kind of orange dress accompanied by a hat. “We are here to bring color, good humor and cheerfulness.“After having inducted Jacques Drans at the creation of the association, they took advantage to enthrone Renée Dranshis wife and business partner.
“It’s a lot of pride to see a house that prospers, when you’ve always worked in it, to see its success, it’s a huge pleasure“, she adds. The oldest biscuit factory in Sablé opened a new shop in Le Mans last December and intends to continue its expansion.
– Raphael Cann