IN PICTURES – The medalists of the Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games received at the Élysée Palace

Emmanuel Macron received the medal-winning athletes from the Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games on Tuesday afternoon at the Élysée Palace. The Head of State spoke to the 28 medalists (14 at the Olympics and 12 at the Paralympics with their guide) and their families. “I am happy to welcome you to celebrate our beautiful delegation returning from the Winter Games. This award today is only part of the efforts you have made so far. Beijing 2022 was an extraordinary adventure. , an epic. (…) Congratulations to the united Olympic and Paralympic family, which held its own in Beijing. The Games were an extraordinary adventure, a blue-white-red epic: by hoisting our colors on 26 occasions on the podiums, you have made the French proud.”

Surrounded by a few members of the government, including Prime Minister Jean Castex, the Minister and Minister Delegate for Sports Jean-Michel Blanquer and Roxana Maracineanu as well as the Secretary of State in charge of disabled people Sophie Cluzel, the President of the Republic then presented the athletes with the insignia of the Legion of Honor and the National Order of Merit.

Relive the ceremony in full

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Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games medalists received at the Élysée Palace © AFP
Francois Mori

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