IN PICTURES – The maritime festivals of Aber Wrac’h ended with an UFO race

End clap for the maritime festivals of Aber Wrac’h in Landéda. Over 25,000 visitors were able to admire old rigs and enjoy numerous activities over three days. The highlight of the show: a rather unusual race, between 6 boats made entirely of recycled objects. They are called UFOs, understand Unidentified Floating Object. Initially, the goal is to make the boat float, and for as long as possible. Then you have to win the race!

The “Transat’Antik” is made up of wooden planks attached to beer barrels © Radio France
Charlotte Schuhmacher
A craft designed with an old cast iron bathtub and some canisters on the side
A craft designed with an old cast iron bathtub and some canisters on the side © Radio France
Charlotte Schuhmacher
The couple was careful...their boat is made out of two kayaks
The couple was careful…their boat is made out of two kayaks © Radio France
Charlotte Schuhmacher
Two barrels of beer form the boat of these two friends
Two barrels of beer form the boat of these two friends © Radio France
Charlotte Schuhmacher
Barrels form the base of the boat and on top...bamboos!
Barrels form the base of the boat and on top…bamboos! © Radio France
Charlotte Schuhmacher
All the boats managed to float!
All the boats managed to float! © Radio France
Charlotte Schuhmacher

Ratings assigned to boats

An unusual race… but also serious. A jury, made up of three event organizing members, scrutinizes the boats and their assign grades. At the end, an average is established between the order of arrival of the boats and the notes relying on the manufacturing itself. “We also note the look of the participants and the originality of their OFNI. We also ensure that all the boats are made of recycled objects”says Anne-Laure, one of the jurors.

André, Hervé and Antoine are the big winners of the competition with their bamboo OFNI
André, Hervé and Antoine are the big winners of the competition with their bamboo OFNI © Radio France
Charlotte Schuhmacher

Result: the OFNI with the duck at the head of the bow wins the race but it is the bamboo boat who climbs to the first place. “They did a hell of a job on their boat. And above all, they set the mood and made everyone laugh”, confides Alexandre Tréguer, president of the organizing committee of the maritime festivals and member of the jury.

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