IN PICTURES – The first Civil Protection donation truck from Mayenne left for Nantes

15 pallets of donations collected in Mayenne over the past ten days left the Breger warehouses in Saint-Berthevin this Friday, March 11, 2022. Direction Nantes and the regional Civil Protection collection center.

These donations were collected throughout the department thanks to the Association of Mayors of France and Civil Protection 53. © Radio France
Selma Rich

Civil Protection 53 called on Breger transport in Saint-Berthevin to store and transport the donations collected. “We are not used to doing humanitarian work, recognizes Jérôme Portier, director of Breger Laval. On the other hand, transportation is our job and there is no problem. It’s not a question of cost today, it’s above all a question of mutual assistance.

Baby diapers, medicines, medical and hygienic equipment were brought by individuals and companies from all over Mayenne.
Baby diapers, medicines, medical and hygienic equipment were brought by individuals and companies from all over Mayenne. © Radio France
Selma Rich

It is Didier Guerra, truck driver, who will drive these first donations from Mayenne to the regional collection center in Nantes. “It’s gratifying, even if it’s only small drops of water, but several small drops of water make after a small pond. And then it launches a whole set of things that make people mobilize.” After Nantes, these donations will leave for the national Civil Protection base in Strasbourg, beforebe delivered to Poland in several days.

The Civil Protection continues to collect donations throughout the department.
The Civil Protection continues to collect donations throughout the department. © Radio France
Selma Rich

Discover the map of collection points in Mayenne

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