IN PICTURES – The breakthrough of yellow wine back after two years of cancellation due to covid

Drilling was done in the snow this Saturday morning at Cramans, in the Jura. It is the godfather of this 2022 edition, the humorist Laurent Gerra, who pierced the barrel of the 2015 vintage of yellow wine, accompanied by the president for this year, Benoît Sermier.

Despite the cold, the crowd was there to follow the procession accompanying the barrel of yellow wine from the church of Cramans, through the village, to the place of the breakthrough. Then, the 10,000 visitors expected for the day were able to enjoy some thirty cellars and food stands.

The traditional outfits of the breakthrough of yellow wine. © Radio France
Rachel Saadoddine

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The barrel-bearers advance to grandiloquent music.
The barrel-bearers advance to grandiloquent music. © Radio France
Rachel Saadoddine
After the breakthrough, the 2015 vintage is served to all visitors.
After the breakthrough, the 2015 vintage is served to all visitors. © Radio France
Rachel Saadoddine
Comedian Laurent Gerra is the sponsor of the 2022 edition of the breakthrough of yellow wine.
Comedian Laurent Gerra is the sponsor of the 2022 edition of the breakthrough of yellow wine. © Radio France
Rachel Saadoddine

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