In pictures | The Blue Tree Project in the eyes of Marie-France Coallier

Blue to fight the blues? Launched in Western Australia, the Blue Tree Project encourages people to paint dead trees blue to raise awareness of mental health issues.

This report was financed thanks to the support of the Transat International Journalism Fund.The duty.


There are now more than 965 trees, in Australia, but also in Canada, Europe and the United States, which have regained color. Marie-France Coallier Le Devoir


Some of the trees have a sign reading “RU OK? ” – “Everything’s good?” Marie-France Coallier Le Devoir


A tree near the Albert River Nature Reserve in Victoria County, southeastern Australia. Marie-France Coallier Le Devoir

Marie-France Coallier Le Devoir

Marie-France Coallier Le Devoir


The Blue Tree Project team hopes to stimulate conversations about mental health issues and help break down the stigma surrounding people with mental illness. Marie-France Coallier Le Devoir

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