More than 500 Bretons and friends of Brittany demonstrated this Saturday afternoon in Saint-Nazaire to demand the attachment of the Loire-Atlantique department to the Brittany region. Members of the Breton party and the Bretagne Réunie (Breizh Unvan) and Bretagne Majeure movements made the trip for the occasion.
As we say in Brittany, it only rains on idiots!
And as a sign of fate, the rain came as soon as the procession set off. “As we say in Brittany, it only rains on idiots, loose Tristan, originally from Morbihan. So it’s not raining on me or on the other Bretons. Brittany is made up of five departments and a single country. And it’s not 80 years of history, since the separation, that will change things.”
Like him, more than 500 people parade here in Saint-Nazaire, most of whom came from Morbihan, Ille-et-Vilaine and Finistère for the attachment of Loire-Atlantique to the Brittany region. There are also those who live in the Pays de la Loire but who despite everything feel Breton, like Florence, who has been waiting for this gathering for a long time. “Nantes is part of Brittany”, she says.
– Leonie Cornet
This 50-year-old lives in Rouans, a small town located between Nantes and Saint-Nazaire. “The historic castle is the castle of the Dukes of Brittany, and I don’t see why Brittany would be amputated from its culture, its language and its prestigious past.”
An online petition gathers more than 100,000 signatures
The association Bretagne Réunie (Breizh Unvan) initiated the movement. Alan Erwan Coraud is one of the co-chairs. “The deputies are now aware that more power must be given to the regions, and in particular to Brittany, which has a very strong identity.”
A online petition circulating for the reunification of Brittany. She collects for the moment more than 100,000 signatures. Bretagne Réunie would also like the deputies to create a trans-partisan group which would submit a bill on this subject to the National Assembly.