IN PICTURES – Dynamo kyiv in Bourgoin-Jallieu cheers the hearts of Ukrainian refugees

Several Ukrainian flags stand out on the stands of the Pierre Rajon stadium in Bourgoin-Jallieu in Isère. This Tuesday, July 12, Dynamo kyiv plays two friendlies against Olympique Lyonnais to prepare for the season. With the war in Ukraine since February, these football matches have become very symbolic. A singer performed the Ukrainian national anthem before the start of the first match.

The joy of enjoying a football match did not erase the war. © Radio France
Noemie Philippot

Several dozen Ukrainians who have found refuge in France, in Lyon and Isère, came to see their players as if they were representing the national team. Placard “No war in Ukraine” (No war in Ukraine) in his hands, Maksim still smiles. He is proud to support his team. “In Ukraine, there are a lot of people who support Dynamo Kyiv, so to see other people who support Dynamo so warmly, it’s nice!”

Getting together with other Ukrainians

Joy can be read on all faces Ukrainians. “I find a little piece of Ukraine!” rejoices Xsenia“the flags, the atmosphere, the warm… typically Ukrainian vibe for the Kyiv Dynamo team.”

It’s important to be a little carefree for a few hours

Diana could not miss this moment, “very happy” when she learned that the Ukrainian team was coming to play right next to Lyon where she has been welcomed by a family since the beginning of May. “Here, we are like at home with the other Ukrainians! In France, in Lyon, we are always looking for someone to be a little like at home” and that’s what she found at the Pierre Rajon stadium for one evening.

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The 3-1 victory against Lyon was the icing on the cake. Leaving the pitch, a Dynamo Kyiv player dedication of a Ukrainian flagsymbol of this joy which cannot erase the war. “It’s a great emotion, we came to party a little with the Dynamo players, to encourage them and give a slightly more festive vision of Ukraine” believes Mykola Cuzin, president of the Ukraine 33 Committee association in Lyon. “There are many young people who have been exiled from the Lviv region since the end of February, it is important to be a little carefree for a few hours.”

At the end of the match, Dynamo kyiv players came to their Ukrainian supporters for some autographs.
At the end of the match, Dynamo kyiv players came to their Ukrainian supporters for some autographs. © Radio France
Noemie Philippot

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