IN PICTURES – Crazy atmosphere at the Aimé Giral stadium for the Supersevens

The atmosphere was festive this Saturday at the Aimé Giral stadium. The first step of “Super Sevens In Extenso” was held in Perpignan. This is the first time that this French rugby sevens championship, which brings together all the Top 14 teams plus Monaco and the Barbarians, was stopping off in the Pyrénées-Orientales.

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About 5,400 people made the trip for this weekend of August 15 © Radio France
Theo Caubel

The day was marked, of course, by the rugby competition. The supporters did not have time to get bored with almost non-stop matches. For many, it was the first time they had attended sevens rugby matches. They were able to discover the very sustained rhythm with one try on average every 90 seconds. In the end, it’s the Section Palois which wins this first stage and qualifies for the final. Usap was swept away in the round of 16, it must be said that our Perpignanese faced Pau (47-0).

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Beyond the competition, the event was also intended to be a big party. Many supporters came in disguise, often with multicolored outfits. Many activities were also offered on the ground adjoining the stadium. A scene and swimming pool were installed there. Some were able to try their hand at karaoke, others at belly slip.

About 5,400 people for this first stage

The disguise was de rigueur at the Aimé Giral stadium
The disguise was de rigueur at the Aimé Giral stadium © Radio France
Theo Caubel

For this first in Perpignan, the organizers say they are satisfied. 5,400 people participated to this event. This is twice as much as in the first stage last year. Two others are now scheduled in La Rochelle and Pau, before the grand finale in Paris.

A ventriglise had been installed on the adjoining land
A ventriglise had been installed on the adjoining land © Radio France
Theo Caubel
With these strong heat, the jump in the swimming pool was more than welcome for many supporters
With these strong heat, the jump in the swimming pool was more than welcome for many supporters © Radio France
Theo Caubel
In addition to the rugby competition, many activities were offered
In addition to the rugby competition, many activities were offered © Radio France
Theo Caubel

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