IN PICTURES – At the heart of the madness of the Tour de France in Rocamadour

After the French victory of Christophe Laporte in Cahors yesterday, the Tour de France stops in Rocamadour for the first time in its history in 109 editions with a 40.7 km time trial from the town of Lacapelle-Marival. If many people from Lot and Lot enjoy the race, the Grande Boucle has also attracted tourists, in joy.

I’ve been selling foie gras sandwiches since 8:00 this morning. The caravan passes two meters from the store. It’s crazy ! – Nicole, merchant from Rocamadour

Cycling in a magical place

“We came as a family to recognize the finish before today’s stage, I am amazed by the panorama that we find at the top of the Col de l’Hospitalet”, Guillaume, from Brive-la-Gaillarde does not regret having brought his children here. He is from Ariège and did not hesitate to travel to Foix, Paul is there for the atmosphere “I made friends in a few minutes, we laugh, we sympathize, that’s the Tour”.

This couple arrives from Saint-Emilion, they arrived around 7am to be in front of the barriers. © Radio France
Louis Fontaine

It was my dream to see the Tour de France riders – Noa, 8-year-old young man from Lot

La Caravane made people happy a few meters from the finish.
La Caravane made people happy a few meters from the finish. © Radio France
Louis Fontaine

It’s a superb showcase for the Lot, especially on the eve of the Champs-Elysées – Victoria, a resident of Cahors

Crowd of the great days in the center of Rocamadour
Crowd of the great days in the center of Rocamadour © Radio France
Louis Fontaine

Big spotlight on Rocamadour

Rocamadour is today a stage on the way to Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle, classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.Unesco. “We really expect repercussions in the town and the surrounding area. And yet, we know that the site is already known. It’s the whole Lot that is in the spotlight” says the mayor of Rocamadour Dominique Lenfant.

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The last time the Tour de France stopped in the Lot, it was in 2007 in Cahors. 15 years later, he is in Rocamadour so the mayor intends to play his game: “now we know that we can host a very big event so why not apply again (laughs)”.

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Also with a beautiful atmosphere from Cahorsthe Lot department has also demonstrated its enthusiasm for cycling.

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