In Perpignan, tents set up in front of the hospital to compensate for the saturation of emergencies

“We no longer have the means to decently accommodate patients,” laments trade unionist François Sanchez.

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“We have reached a point of no return.” three tents “to triage patients” were installed, Sunday February 6, in front of the hospital of Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales) in order to deal with saturated emergencies. “We no longer have the means to decently welcome patients”, deplores the trade unionist François Sanchez, staff representative for Force Ouvrière. The management of the hospital confirmed to franceinfo the presence of the tents without further comment for the moment.

According to François Sanchez, he is missing from the Perpignan hospital “at least 30 to 40 beds to be able to rotate properly”. “When we talk about beds, it is above all the number of caregivers who are around and the doctors to take care of them that are sorely lacking”, he regrets. The trade unionist recalls that a similar device was set up at the start of the Covid-19 crisis, “but more for the sake of separating infected patients from others”.

The firefighters were asked by the emergency service on Sunday morning to urgently set up the three tents, according to the Sdis des Pyrénées-Orientales. “They will allow patients to be sorted so that they do not stay in the corridors. This sorting, which was done in the emergency room, was deported to tents for 48 hours”says François Sanchez. “But in 72 hours nothing will be fixed and the problem will arise again.”

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