In Pennsylvania, voters turn to Donald Trump


Video length: 2 min

US Presidential Election: In Pennsylvania, Voters Turn to Donald Trump
US Presidential Election: In Pennsylvania, Voters Turn to Donald Trump
(France 2)

Joe Biden’s withdrawal on Sunday could revive a difficult presidential campaign for Democrats. In Pennsylvania, Vice President Kamala Harris is generating enthusiasm but Donald Trump remains the favorite.

The American presidential election will be decided in a handful of states. Like Pennsylvania, where Donald Trump is currently the favorite since Joe Biden’s withdrawal. All Democratic activists are aware that the challenge is immense. “We urgently need to regain ground. We didn’t have the new posters so we had to improvise. It’s all at stake now.”assures an activist.

At a country fair, the Democratic booth doesn’t attract many people. Everywhere there are references to Donald Trump. Joe Biden is a native of Pennsylvania and won that state in 2020. But farmers know Kamala Harris much less. “I’m a little worried, yes, because Joe Biden dropped out late.”assures a democratic activist. An enthusiasm awakened among young democrats.

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