In Pays de la Loire, exit from the crisis “difficult” for aeronautics according to INSEE

Airbus (Saint-Nazaire and Bouguenais), Daher (Saint-Nazaire among others) or even Stelia (Saint-Nazaire), Tronico (Saint-Philbert-de-Bouaine) or Defontaine (La Bruffière) here are some names of companies from the aeronautics present in Pays de la Loire. Our region is also the third in this sector at the national level behind Occitanie and New Aquitaine.

It represents 17,500 dedicated jobs, understand 100% linked to this sector. Including 12,000 for the Loire-Atlantique department alone. This rises to 31,100 employees in the region if we add the companies that also work for other industries, such as the automobile. These figures, INSEE has just unveiled them in a study on the state of form of the sector largely impacted by the covid crisis.

Sharp drop in activity, but limited impact on jobs

Between 2019 and 2020, the activity of companies in the region fell by 37%, it is a little more than the national average (-32%). And this is mainly explained by orders at half mast during a year of strong turbulence. Fewer requests, mainly from clients based in France. There are also health constraints, such as containment and, to a lesser extent, supply difficulties from suppliers.

How does this decline in activity translate into employment? It is down 8% nationally with temporary work as an adjustment variable. But according to INSEE, the impact is less violent than for other sectors, the automobile, for example. There was a massive recourse to partial unemployment for 8 out of 10 companies or even loans guaranteed by the State. We will also have to start repaying these loans or settle certain deadlines that have been postponed.

Halftone recovery

This way out of the crisis remains “difficult” for aeronautics estimates INSEE. Globally, companies plan to once again to cut corners on temporary work and subcontracting. Large groups fare better : Airbus expects a return to the pre-crisis situation within two to three years.

Companies that must also think about see further and invest accordingly in a constantly evolving sector with digital and environmental issues more and more significant.

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