in Pau, Arobase-Recrutement, is looking for a Director for a Hostel

Cabinet Arobase Recruitment, present in New Aquitaine and Occitanie, is recruiting for the ADAPEI of the Pyrénées Atlantiques, a Director (F/M) for the René GABE Complex. It is composed of a shelter which welcomes 60 people with mental disabilities and disabilities working in ESAT, and a MAPHA which welcomes 13 retired people, former ESAT workers.
The home currently employs around forty employees on permanent contracts, including a head of department. You act within the framework of the values ​​and the Associative Project, and are hierarchically attached to the General Manager and the Deputy General Manager.

Assignment :

  • Manage, in close collaboration with the head of department, all the fields assigned to the ESMS management function
  • Federate, manage and coordinate the action of multidisciplinary teams
  • Implement the associative project and the establishment project
  • Be the guarantor of the construction and implementation of the individual projects of each resident
  • Maintaining the safety of their environment, as part of a policy to promote good treatment
  • Maintain and develop recommendations related to the support and promotion of people with disabilities
  • Respect for their rights, their expression (self-determination) and their well-being, in relation to their social and family environment
  • In conjunction with the Head Office services, ensure the proper management of human, financial/budgetary and administrative resources

Profile sought and skills required:

  • Holder of at least a BAC+5 level diploma
  • Continuous management experience would be a plus
  • Mastery of administrative, budgetary and human resources management to rigorously manage resources and guarantee their optimization
  • Knowledge of the fields of mental and/or psychic disability and polyhandicap
  • Aware of the medico-social purpose of the establishment and the values ​​of Adapei
  • Sense of ethics and well-treatment of the people welcomed


  • Support for multidisciplinary teams
  • Methodology and management of projects and resulting actions
  • Team building, conflict management
  • Interpersonal skills, listening skills, sense of responsibility
  • Availability, organizational capacities

Terms :

  • Full-Time Permanent Contract (1 FTE)
  • National Collective Agreement of March 15, 1966

Job Classification:

  • Executive (M/F), Class 1, level 1 subject to conventional requirements
  • Remuneration according to contractual requirements
  • Penalties

Candidacy :

Cabinet Arobase-Recruitment of Pau 6, bis Boulevard Champetier de Ribes.
Credit at sign

source site-35