This first weekend of December 2021 is ideal for buying your Christmas tree. In Orleans, there is something for everyone. In 2020, more than 6.7 million Christmas trees have been purchased in France. More than one in five households have bought a tree, for an average price of 30 euros.
Christmas tree trends 2021
Manon Girard cannot imagine celebrating Christmas other than with a natural tree. Today, this 30-year-old from Orleans is looking for the rare pearl and its selection criteria are not just visual. “I think it’s for the smells. During Christmas time, I like to come home and smell the tree in the living room.“
So to find the right one, there is a choice. In the city center of Orléans, Susanne Schrijvers is the manager of the “workshop in the rain” place de la République, it mainly sells small trees for the inhabitants of the city center. She expects to sell more than 200 trees this year with a trend that seems to be confirmed. “People are buying trees that are a little more bare. Before, it was always the big well supplied tree but now it’s a more “natural” trend and as you can find them in the forest. “
Alain Houry manages the Houry production nursery in Saint-Denis-en-Val. At his place, we find fir trees from the Loire department, from 80 centimeters to 3 meters high. But for this period, not all trees are suitable. “If you want to put a tree inside a house or apartment at a temperature of 20 degrees, you have to put the Nordmann. The spruce is very good but you have to wait another ten days so that it does not lose its needles too quickly.“So for conservation, Alain Houry slips a tip.”It is necessary to put the log in a container with cold water in order to preserve the sap.“
– Julien frenoy
On the budget side, count around twenty euros for the little ones and up to more than one hundred euros for the very big ones.