About thirty people inside, about fifteen outside : holding a conference-debate on Gaullism, officially organized by the RPF (Rassemblement pour la France), with the participation of the Friends of Eric Zemmour and Generation Z this Wednesday evening, Eiffel room in Orléans, gave rise to a remote firing between “anti-fas” militants “and the participants in this public meeting.
Inside were former elected officials, such as former deputies Christian Vanneste (ex UMP) and Bruno Chauvière (ex FN), or young pro-Zemmour activists from Loiret (Valentin Blelly, ex officials of the Young Republicans of Loiret and Eva Berroyer, regional manager of Generation Z), all speakers in this conference-debate. It brought together about thirty people in the audience.
Outside, a little before 6.30 p.m., around fifteen anti-fascist activists demonstrated in front of the Eiffel room to the cries of “no quarters for the fascists”. In question (among others) the recent controversial comments of Eric Zemmour, very likely presidential candidate 2022, on Marshal Pétain who “protected the French Jews”.
– Christophe Dupuy
This “confrontation” took place peacefully. At the time of writing (8:15 p.m.), the meeting is taking place inside the Eiffel room while the demonstrators have left the premises.
Adrien, from the Orléans antifa collective, said to himself “shocked“this Wednesday morning of the organization of this meeting in a municipal hall in Orléans *, but “not surprised, since the mayor of Orleans Serge Grouard is present every week on C News where he can give very far-right positions” : he had not called for a demonstration the same evening in Orléans but said “hope for a reaction from the progressive world in Orléans when everyone is aware of the problem of Eric Zemmour and the extreme right in Orléans”.
– Christophe Dupuy
* requested by France Bleu Orléans, the City of Orléans did not respond to our requests on this subject