in Odessa, the inhabitants prepare the resistance against the Russian army



France 2

Article written by

A. Mikozcy, F. Crimon, A. Spanu – France 2

France Televisions

Russian troops seek to take control of port cities like Odessa. So the population is preparing and its determination does not weaken, Thursday, March 3.

In the city of Odessa, the inhabitants prepare their resistance against the advance of the Russian forces, Thursday March 3. About a hundred men gather each evening to patrol, create checkpoints and stop cars. They check that strangers are not carrying weapons. “There’s a man outside at midnight. He claims to be homeless, but he’s too clean to be. We’ll take him to the police station”explains a man, suspicious.

In another district of the city, women erase the fluorescent tags on the walls, these would be markers for the drones of the Russians. “We have to go around our neighborhoods. If everyone did that, we would be safer,” abounds a woman. In Odessa, part of the population is pro-Russian, but it is not the majority. Elsewhere, in an abandoned factory, dozens of young people are making Molotov cocktails. The Russian army is advancing and is only a few tens of kilometers from the city, while the sirens are becoming more and more frequent.


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