In Normandy, Bourvil fans replay scenes from “Corniaud” in a traveling show

“Le Corniaud en pays de Caux” is the name of this scenographic parade, as the members of the association Les Amis de Bourvil baptized it. Comedians, fans of the Norman actor, who have imagined a traveling show featuring some cult scenes from one of the greatest successes of French cinema, carried by the duo Bourvil-De Funès.

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France Televisions

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For years, they have maintained the memory of this monster of French cinema that was André Raimbourg, alias Bourvil, who died in 1970. The members of the association Les Amis de Bourvil regularly organize events around the child of the country of Caux .

And this time, they saw things big, by organizing a traveling show over one day. Seven stages in seven villages, including Bourville, which inspired the actor’s pseudonym, and at each stop, a reconstruction of scenes from Corniaud directed by Gérard Oury and released in 1965, a year before the other cult film bringing together the Bourvil-De Funès duo: The big mop.

France 3 Normandy (A. Deshayes / B. Tang / L. Courbe)

We started doing scouting last January in the different towns that agreed to welcome us and from there, we chose the scenes that seemed interesting to us, and we transformed them to make a street show.“, explains Christophe Coline, the director. Obviously without distorting the original work. A show which, as in the film, obviously begins with the scene of the 2CV and the meeting between Maréchal (Bourvil) and Saroyan (Louis de Funès Then come the scene of the gas station, that of the garage, the shower at the campsite or even the manicure.Even the famous white Cadillac convertible is there.

The public also, at each stage they are numerous to hurry to relive these scenes of which practically all know the replicas by heart. And among them many young people, to the great satisfaction of the actors of the association who strive to perpetuate the spirit of Bourvil, sacred monster of French cinema. It is important that young people also discover this great actor that was Bourvil with films that are always so pleasant to see, says Laurent Lenormand, vice-president of the Friends of Bourvil, and who for the occasion endorses the costume of Antoine Marshal.

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