In Niger, a particularly deadly rainy season has claimed 159 lives and 225,000 victims since June

The areas around the towns of Maradi, Zinder, Dosso and Tahoua are the areas most affected by these rainfalls and the floods they cause.

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It is the deadliest rainy season in Niger’s history. The heavy rains that have been beating down on the country since June and the severe floods they cause have left nearly 160 dead and more than 225,000 victims, according to figures from the Civil Protection services communicated to AFP. . In all, 159 deaths were recorded, 121 in the collapse of dwellings and 38 by drowning. In addition, 185 people were injured and 225,539 people affected.

The toll of these bad weather is getting worse week by week. The previous one, dated September 4, reported 103 dead and 140,000 victims. In detail, the surroundings of the towns of Maradi (center-south, 68 dead), Zinder (center-east, 48 dead), Dosso (south-west, 18 dead) and Tahoua (west, 16 dead) are the most more affected.

The rains also destroyed or damaged more than 25,900 dwellings (houses, huts and shelters), 71 classrooms, six medical care centers and 210 grain granaries. Nearly 700 head of cattle were also decimated.

Bad weather has also favored the appearance of insect “pests” of crops, alerted the Nigerien Ministry of Agriculture, which claims to have treated the infested areas with insecticides. Meteorological services announce new “heavy rain” until the end of September.

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