The Red Cross has a collection of photographs taken in various war zones. A selection is exhibited at the Lieu Unique in Nantes, “A world to heal” offers a look at the association’s 173 years of humanitarian action, to be discovered until January 7.
Reading time: 2 min

600 humanitarian photos have been taken for the Red Cross over time. The oldest dates from 1850, showing an association cart during the United States Civil War. In its beginnings, the nascent Red Cross sought to bear witness to its action. The volunteers’ mission was to capture these moments before the creation of a communications service, now dedicated.
The exhibition A world to heal is the fruit of more than two years of research within the collections of the international Red Cross and Red Crescent movement. A moving discovery, visible until January 7, at the Lieu Unique in Nantes.
The power of images
Over the years, the sadly recurring images reveal a constant reality: numerous destroyed buildings, like the situation in Syria, soup kitchens and refugee camps which are multiplying. These scenes, often broadcast in the media and on social networks, even end up being written into our history books. “By comparing the history taught at school, where there are bad guys and good guys, we realize that there is misery in all cases, and that these people are just collateral damage.” confides a young visitor.
This is precisely the aim of this exhibition, but more broadly of these photographs. The vocation is to break down the barriers of borders and differences and to reconnect with our common humanity.
“Humanitarian photography’s mission is to raise awareness, gain support and encourage donations”
Eli Comminsdirector of Lieu Unique
Other images represent the sidelines of the action of the Red Cross. Here, we witness the moving reunion of two brothers in Sudan, separated for 20 years.
These photos are part of a heritage that remains little explored. The exhibition presents images produced above all to inform in the urgency of humanitarian action, but sometimes also images intended to remain confidential. Capture the moment, share it or preserve it? A real dilemma for volunteers and photojournalists.
“A world to heal”
is an exhibition of 600 humanitarian photos. Photos taken in four corners of the world for 150 years to retrace the work of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent. On view until January 7 at Lieu Unique in Nantes. – (France 3 Pays de la Loire: S. De Misouard / D. Jouillat / JM. Lalier)
The exhibition “A world to heal” is rare and is only visible for the third time in the world. It can be discovered for free until January 7 at Lieu Unique in Nantes from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m..