in Nantes, Repairs-44 helps precarious young people who have left the ASE


France 3

Article written by

S.Aramon, C.Cormery, C.Pary, N.Lachaud – France 3

France Televisions

In Nantes, Alissa Denissova, a former foster child, created the Repairs-44 association. She wants to break the isolation of former foster children.

Alissa Denisova, 26, lived in a home from the age of 16 to 19. Without diploma or resources, she knew the street. Like her, 40% of homeless young people are former foster children. To put an end to this fatality, she created Repairs-44, a mutual aid association for young adults coming out of child protection. “It’s not normal for young people to find themselves on the street at 18”, she hammers. Its association, supported by the Loire-Atlantique department, is a place of exchange and support.

On average, during their time in care, children in care change accommodation five to six times. It is therefore difficult to follow an education. The association offers moral support to young people. “It’s important to feel listened to, supported, supported”, confides a beneficiary. To go further in support, Alissa relies on experienced structures, such as the Apprentis d’Auteuil.

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