It is a legal remedy among many others since the vaccination obligation is effective in France for the nursing staff. In Nantes, five caregivers from the private sector passed this Tuesday before the Labor Court. Legal action to hope to obtain compensation, or even to return to their job. Since September 15, their respective employment contracts have been suspended, for lack of having agreed to be vaccinated.
“A deprivation of liberties”
This recourse to a referral is very far from being an isolated case, and it illustrates the fight of several caregivers who are still reluctant to be vaccinated against Covid-19. Since the suspension of his contract in mid-September, and therefore the suspension of her salary, Sandra, one of the women concerned by the legal action, explains that she must “do small households with individuals, while trying to see with the help of the CAF“. Too little to be able to live decently according to her.
Not what to demotivate Sandra, who continues to refuse the vaccination obligation, just like many of her colleagues gathered this Tuesday morning for the same cause. And whatever the result of the summary proceedings filed before the industrial tribunal, whether he proves them right or not, Sandra and her colleagues affirm it, they will continue to fight “for their freedoms, against this obvious deprivation of rights“.
– Marius Delaunay
It now remains to await the deliberation of the summary. For three caregivers, it will be known December 15, then January 12 for the other two health professionals.