The device does not exist elsewhere in France. In Nantes, since the end of 2021, a listening unit dedicated to the fight against the prostitution of minors has been created. It was set up by the ATDEC, Territorial Association for the Development of Employment and Skills.
This is a listening number, on 06 03 68 39 50, which is associated with a whole system bringing together nine associations (including family planning, SOS Incest and France Victimes 44), and which is linked to the Nantes prosecutor’s office. The objective is to report cases of prostitution of minors in order to best support and protect these victims.
Between 10 and 30 calls each week
Each week, the telephone of the listening platform rings between 10 and 30 times. At the end of the line, mainly professionals in connection with children or adolescents whom they suspect of prostituting themselves: educators, school nurses, teachers… There are also relatives worried about these young people. And very rarely, the miners themselves, who do not recognize themselves as victims.
It is a prostitution that does not bear his name. – Léa Messina, at the origin of the listening unit
“Minors do not experience themselves as in a situation of prostitution and will rather use words like ‘escort’, ‘good plan’explains Léa Messina, in charge of mission at ATDEC, at the origin of the device. They will say that they manage themselves, that they assume responsibility. But prostitution is not named because it is not experienced as such.”
Via social networks
Prostitution that most often originates in social networks. It mainly affects young people between 13 and 16 years old, sometimes as young as 12 years old. Mainly girls, from all social backgrounds.
A common denominator, situations of violence or negligence, running away “systematically”. School dropout, a sudden change in the behavior of the child, isolation are regularly associated with it. “These are young people who, little by little, will detach themselves and create resources elsewhere, that is to say with new people”continues Léa Messina.
When a case is reported to the listening platform, a panel of child care professionals, psychologists or even lawyers meet to try to find the best possible support. The Nantes Public Prosecutor’s Office is immediately informed.
A referent magistrate
“First of all, it allows us to intervene fairly quickly, to not let the situation deteriorate and come to a time when it has become very difficult to take care of these minors. The longer we wait, the more difficult it is”underlines the deputy prosecutor Sandrine Zanni.
The lead magistrate on these cases then assesses the degree of immediate danger which the minor is confronted with in order to initially ensure his protection, and may decide to initiate criminal proceedings.
“We all agree that these situations are extremely delicate to deal with and that it is the coordination of the various actors in direct contact with minors that can, at some point, cause this minor to seize a pole that is extended to him to get out of prostitution”adds the magistrate of the juvenile prosecutor’s office, counting at least five files being processed by justice in Nantes.
Train to prevent these situations upstream
Since the beginning of the year, the listening unit has been contacted for suspicions about forty different cases of prostitution of minors. Among which a little less than ten cases of proven.
It is necessary to train people in contact with young people so that they know “spot weak signals”insists Léa Messina of ATDEC. “Because our system only exists if we have calls. And to be able to have calls, people have to be trained.”
Even if it means calling for suspicions that are not verified. “We can intervene upstream on prevention, and that too is really very important.”
162 situations observed in Loire-Atlantique
According to an online questionnaire distributed to professionals by the Loire-Atlantique department, between December 2021 and March 2022, 162 situations of young people prostituting themselves or at risk of doing so, were reported. They concern 90% of women. 43% of these young people have suffered intra-family violence, particularly sexual violence. The majority are at odds with their families.
The Department, via the Observatory for the fight against violence against women, has scheduled an awareness day around the summer of 2022 for professionals working with young people, involving the health and justice sectors. The departmental council has also asked the State to obtain funding for its action plan which aims, among other things, to better understand this phenomenon, prevent risky behavior, and equip professionals.