In Nancy, CBD sellers relieved after the decision of the Council of State

It’s a snub for the government“, launches Etienne Evrard, director of the store in Nancy Ligne Verte – CBD products. On January 24, the Council of State temporarily suspended the government decree which prohibited the marketing of CBD flowers. Published at the end of December, this text had put an end to the sale of flowers or raw leaves. Contested by the players in the sector, the ban has been the subject of numerous appeals.

It’s 85% of my turnover

Traders can sigh. Among these entrepreneurs is Morgan. Boss of the Mybud shop, located in the heart of downtown Nancy and member of the union of CBD professionals (UPCBD), he has been waiting for this decision for three and a half years. This decree marked the end of the sale of CBD flowers and infusions. One real shortfallwhile these products represent 85% of its turnover.

MyBud, the shop selling CBD products in Nancy
Emma Dehoey

A profession on hold

With those judicial comings and goings, Elise, employed since September at the Green Planet trade, has trouble projecting herself into the profession. Yet she remainsoptimistic because Europe supports us” she specifies. Indeed, European justice as well as the Court of Cassation ruled that this substance could not be categorized as a narcotic or a medicine – and therefore that its sale could not be prohibited, on the grounds of free circulation goods.

But the fight is not over, the suspension is only temporary. The Council of State should decide on the merits very soon.

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