in Munich, demonstrators denounce the climate and social inaction of the leaders


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The G7 summit in the Bavarian Alps begins on Sunday June 26. On the program of discussions: the war in Ukraine, but also energy and the climate. Thousands of demonstrators gathered on this occasion to push the leaders to do more against global warming.

Tens of thousands of demonstrators gathered in Munich under the sign of peace. 15 anti-globalization groups, such as Attac or WWF, want to alert, while get organized a G7 summit in the Bavarian Alps. Among their demands, we find the exit from fossil fuels, the preservation of animal and plant diversity, social justice on the planet and a strengthened fight against hunger.

Members of the anti-poverty association Oxfam also came to demonstrate. Wearing oversized masks of G7 leaders, they claimed “concrete actions to deal with the many crises of our time. This means that the G7 must act immediately. They must fight against hunger, inequality and poverty. povertythey must do more against climate change“, said Tobias Hauschild, spokesperson for the organization.

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