In mourning, Estelle Lefébure announces the death of a loved one

On November 30, Estelle Lefébure celebrated with joy and happiness the 11th birthday of her son, Giuliano. “11 years of unconditional love. You have been my sunshine since day 1. I am so proud of you my beautiful boy. Your mom who loves you”, she had written in the caption of a post on Instagram where we discovered photos accomplices with his boy.

This Sunday, December 19, the mood is very different. The former model shared on social media a sad news: her grandmother died at the age of 103. “A life filled with love and kindness”, wrote the ex-wife of David Hallyday. “We will miss you Grandma …”, could we still read in the caption of the two pictures she posted.

Another blow: She was to perform with Matt Pokora and Philippe Lellouche, in The Great Ambitions, a comedy (which is a hit at the Madeleine theater in Paris, editor’s note) was announced for a tour in France, Belgium and Switzerland. However, the production “because of the growing uncertainties on the restrictive measures which could be taken soon”, preferred to give up this tour which is purely and simply canceled.

See also: Estelle Lefébure and her daughters: why is she silent on Johnny’s inheritance?


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