In Moselle, patients with psychiatric disorders are followed at home



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France Televisions

Writing Culture

It is an alternative to hospitalization for people with mental disorders. In Moselle, a team made up of caregivers, educators and also social workers meet patients at their homes. #IlsOntLaSolution

“You saved my life.” The words of Coralie Salingue say a lot about the two difficult months she has just gone through. With a calm and peaceful face, an electronic cigarette in her hands, the young mother addresses the nursing team who for eight weeks accompanied her to her home in her convalescence. A nurse, a nursing assistant and a psychiatrist who gently corrects: On did not save your life, but we have walked you through a recovery. “

Coralie Salingue no longer has anxiety attacks. We can imagine that she is still a little fragile, but the home follow-up has been a success for her. “VSallowed me to leave the hospital earlier, go home and simply regain my strength, she testifies. I recovered with my family, my husband and my children, there is nothing more beautiful. “

Attached to the Jury Hospital in Moselle, EPSIAD, the home care team headed by Doctor Caroline Soler was created last September. The idea was born during the health crisis. The nursing staff wanted “improve the quality of care in crisis and emergency situations, explains Dr. Soler. At the time, we only had one recourse, which was psychiatric hospitalization. ”

The caregivers move seven days a week in the North of the Moselle. Initially, patients receive a daily visit, then the time between two appointments lengthens as the state of health improves. This personalized follow-up makes it possible to shorten hospital stays. The home offers a more secure environment for these people in great psychological and social difficulty.

To date, eleven patients have benefited from this device. Patients who present neither violent behavior nor suicidal risks but who all experience a mental emergency or decompensation.

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