In Millau in Aveyron, a simulator to learn to drive greener and cheaper



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France Televisions

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With soaring fuels, everything is good to reduce consumption. The solution ? Eco-driving. In Millau in the Aveyron, a simulator teaches motorists the right reflexes to drive greener and cheaper. #TheyHaveTheSolution

Because driving relaxed is good for the planet, for ten years, in the Parc des Grands Causses, motorists have been learning to drive cheaper and greener thanks to a simulator. Far from received ideas, you have to drive relaxed and at a stable speed, quickly change gear ratios. Something to surprise this young apprentice eco-driver.

I had the impression that green driving was quite cushy driving, whereas it is dynamic driving.

Louis Pégorier

apprentice eco-driver

Slowing down to avoid stops, changing gears more quickly so that the engine does not overspeed, releasing the accelerator on descents and stabilizing the speed are all small gestures to save not only fuel, reduce pollution but also save vehicle mechanics. Simple rules that can be applied on a daily basis, in town and in the countryside.

It is a whole. It’s really the environmental aspect, the financial aspect on fuels but also on vehicle parts.

Marwin Repussard

eco-driving trainer

Thanks to this practice, changing the brakes and tires of the vehicle can take place much later. The approach is also eco-responsible and has an impact on safety. Driving schools that teach eco-driving estimate a 30% gain in terms of accidents. Knowing how to anticipate is also a golden rule. A person who anticipates his driving well will have a 30% gain on his stopping distance, but also on vehicle wear and energy consumption. Understanding the obstacles and the behavior of other vehicles would allow, according to Ademe, to reduce up to 40% of its consumption.

In recent years, good students can also get a bonus point on the driving license if they adopt ecological driving.

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