In Mayotte, water shortage at taps and in supermarkets

Despite the rainy season, the shortage of tap water and water cuts continue in 2022 to complicate the lives of residents. And in supermarkets, the shelves of mineral water are empty.

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It is the rainy season in Mayotte. But that does not solve the recurring problem of shortage of tap water. Consequently, the inhabitants flock to the shops to obtain bottles of mineral water. But there too, the shelves are empty, in supermarkets as in convenience stores.

Sofia is the co-manager of a small grocery store in Mtsapéré, on the east coast of the island. Ilona Youssoufa Mayotte collected her words for the 1st.

Migrants are now part of the landscape of the city of Cayenne, Guyana. They are several thousand, Haitians, Syrians, Palestinians, Yemenis, to find refuge in this French department of America. But the route they take to flee their country is very different from the route that takes migrants to Europe. Portrait of a Yemeni migrant, signed Laurent Marot, for Guyana the 1st.

Facilitating compensation for victims of nuclear tests was one of the commitments of the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, during his official visit to Polynesia last July. To do so, the High Commissioner for the territory created a new mission this week. For three years, three agents of the Ministry of Solidarity will travel to the islands of the archipelago to help the victims and their relatives to put together their files. Between 1966 and 1996, 192 nuclear tests were carried out in Polynesia.

In Martinique, where the curfew at 8 pm has been extended, we celebrate the Epiphany with pancakes, but with local flavors… Report in a pastry shop in Fort-de-France with Ronan Bonnec, Martinique la 1ère.

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