in Mayenne “the majority of hospitalized patients are not vaccinated”

A few days before Christmas, the fifth wave of Covid-19 continues to rage in France. In our department, the epidemic has killed three more people since Friday, December 17, 2021. The Regional Health Agency has recorded 309 deaths since the start of the health crisis in 2020. It published its last newsletter on Tuesday evening. ‘epidemic.

“Get vaccinated!”

46 patients are currently hospitalized in Mayenne, including three in intensive care. And according to Doctor Hussein Yassine, head of the intensive care unit at the Laval hospital center, many of these patients have never been vaccinated against Covid-19. “In the vast majority of cases, these are people who are not vaccinated and I regret this very deeply “ declares the doctor. “I take this opportunity to appeal to everyone: do not be afraid of the vaccine but rather of the virus. Please get vaccinated !“.

The average age of patients has fallen in recent weeks according to Hussein Yassine. “It has regressed by ten or even fifteen years. The elderly who were vaccinated first, we hardly see them because they are protected. They also very strictly respect barrier gestures. _Today we see much younger people_. There is a lot of anger. I think we may have lost an information battle with conspirators who sometimes resonated with their theory. There is a lot of misinformation. So I repeat: don’t be afraid of the vaccine“concludes the head of the intensive care unit at the Laval hospital.

Declining incidence rate

Since last Friday the incidence rate has fallen further: from 286 to 273.8 new cases per 100,000,000 inhabitants. For the moment, eight inhabitants of the Pays de la Loire are affected by the Omicron variant according to the ARS.

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