In Mayenne, the concern of parents and teachers a few days before the start of the school year

In downtown Laval, we approve of the government’s decision not to extend school vacations. “It was too difficult during the first confinements, remembers a mom. If this is untenable, it may be necessary to close some classes and distribute the students to the other classes. “ Because many parents are considering the worst for the start of the school year. “We will undoubtedly make our comeback before having the official instructions, as has been done with each announcement”, regrets Laurent Thoraval, the departmental secretary of the FSU teachers’ union, who would like the protocol negotiated for the start of the September school year to be simply renewed for this new school year. “The solution is to close the class from the first case, I do not see other elements to slow down the epidemic”.

Inter-union mobilization is already planned for January 27

The scientific council expects a third of teachers absent by the end of January recalls for his part Bernard Bonneterre of the Federation of parents’ councils of Mayenne: “I heard Mr. Blanquer say that he would appeal to retirees. I do not see how the National Education can recruit so many temporary workers. In addition, it is something that could be done long before in order to have a pool of people ready to intervene. So, that seems a bit late to me. “

CO2 sensors in all Mayenne colleges

To limit the spread of the virus in establishments, Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer encourages rectors to develop CO2 sensors in classrooms. Mayenne has the advantage of being at the forefront : with 1,200 sensors installed throughout 2021 in the 41 colleges, public and private, recalls the president of the department Olivier Richefou: “The principle of the CO2 sensor is to be an alert. I am told that it works well: green color, then orange, then red, and when it is red, it is necessary to ventilate. So the students, them “themselves, monitor and alert the teacher. So that also has an educational value, including for the children and when they return home because they can pass the message on to their parents. You have to ventilate, even in winter.” It’s a great way to get rid of the virus! “

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