In Mayenne, Catholic faithful pray in the street to “save France”

This Wednesday, February 23, 2020, 6 p.m. sharp in front of the statue of Joan of Arc, Place Hardy de Lévaré, a few steps from Laval Cathedral. A group of 15 people, Laval residents of all ages, pray aloud, rosary in hand. They are brought together by the movement “La France prie”, an initiative which came from Austria in mid-November and which has developed throughout France. “These people thought that given the Covid-19 crisis at the moment, it was necessary to pray for the world“, explains Henri, a Laval resident who initiated the street prayer movement in his city.

“A Public Prayer”

Here he prays for”France and for the world“, without any political ulterior motives.”It is not in relation to the presidential election particularly. Indeed, the Covid-19 side has played a lot and people realize that we have to pray for the situation to improve. It is a public prayer and should not be confined to the walls of churches.

“Changing Hearts”

Among them, Ségolène and Marie-Ange have been participating in the street prayer movement since mid-January. According to the two devotees, praying is the only way to improve society. “France needs to be supported by our prayersthey assure. I think it is only through prayer that we can change hearts.” This evening, they say they have prayed for Ukraine and call on all citizens to join them. “When you pray in a church, people don’t know you are praying. There, they see us, they stop, listen if they want. Anyone can join us.”

A twenty demonstrations of this type are claimed in the department of Mayenne according to the website of France prays. According to the Mayenne prefecture, part of the declarations of demonstrations were filed by the organizers. The prefect of Mayenne did not prohibit these actions, because he considers that they are ” protest demonstrations “.

As a reminder, prayers in public space are not strictly prohibited. Like demonstrations, they are governed by article L211-1 of the Internal Security Code which provides that “are subject to the obligation of a prior declaration all processions, parades and gatherings of people and, in general, all demonstrations on the public highway.

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