In Mayenne, breeders sell their milk at a higher price thanks to “C’est qui le patron?”

Faced with the drought and the rise in the price of raw materials, dairy farmers are also asking for an increase in their price per tonne. In Mayenne, some are already doing this, in particular thanks to the brand “C’est qui le patron?”. Florent Crosnier is a dairy farmer in Pommerieux in southern Mayenne. It’s part of “Who’s the Boss?” and sells its milk for 450 euros per tonne, compared to an average of 420 for other breeders.

For Florent Crosnier, it’she very operation of the brand “Who’s the boss?” which allows this increase. “When we make a three-party contract today, there are the producers, there is the dairy. But there is also the “Who’s the boss?” approach, accompanied by consumers. It is these three partners, with the consumers, who accept these prices.

A price that the Mayenne breeder is obliged to increase to cope with the current situation. “There was a request from us, the producers, to upgrade because the charges are increasing. And on the other side, there were the consumers who listened to us, asked us to explain to them. And following the explanations, they voted. They voted 98% for that price at the brick level todayThe conventional milk carton “Who’s the boss?” costs 1.09 euros.

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