In Mayenne, a young man dies by setting himself on fire, his companion very seriously burned

It is a terrible drama that took place this Sunday at the end of the day in Neau, in the Coëvrons. According to our information, a young man doused himself in gasoline and set himself on fire in his home. Aged 25, he died. His companion was seriously injured and airlifted to the burns department of the University Hospital of Tours.

According to several residents, the young woman would have come out into the street screaming, and in flames. Several residents then came to his aid, laying him down on the sidewalk. A scene that would have occurred under the eyes of several walkersnear a playground on the banks of the Jouanne river.

A psychological cell in the village hall

A major backup system has been put in place. According to information from France Bleu Mayenne, two SMUR helicopters (from Orne and Maine-et-Loire) have been deployed. A dozen fire engines arrived on the scene around 6 p.m. The community hall of Neau was also requisitioned to accommodate a Medical-Psychological Emergency Unit (CUMP), held by the Civil Protection of Mayenne, in order to welcome people in shock.

According to our sources, an investigation has been opened and carried out by the Laval prosecutor’s office.

►► More information to come

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