In Mayenne, a man hits his wife and sends her more than 900 text messages in 24 hours

A 36-year-old man sentenced to 4 month suspended sentence by the Laval court on Tuesday July 5, 2022. He is accused of domestic violence on his ex-spouse a year ago, last July, but also of moral harassment by SMS and on social networks last January where the defendant insulted publicly the mother of his children. Scenes of violence that appeared because of the infidelity of the individual.

The day of their 5 years of marriage, the couple is shattered. In the middle of the night, his wife checks her phone and sees that there is deception. It was then that a fight broke out and the defendant punched him in the stomach. His spouse takes refuge in the bathroom and tries to kill himself with a razor. The 36-year-old then hands him his shotgun and yells: “Use it, at least it will kill”. No one called the police to intervene.

In the months that followed, the couple divorced, but the man did not intend to stop there. Six months later, he gets carried away about the children. Without news of his ex-girlfriend, he sends her no less than 900 SMS and tries to call him more than a hundred times in less than 24 hours. “Bitch, you can already dig your grave”he wrote in one of them.

In front of the bar, the man apologizes and partially recognizes the facts. “You are obviously not made to live with her”will conclude the public prosecutor. A contact ban was also issued. by the Laval court except for joint custody of children aged 2 and 4.

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