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Martinique revives the cultivation of cocoa. I’activity, very prosperous in the 17th century, was then abandoned. Today, enthusiasts work on a sector of excellence, and share their taste for chocolate with tourists.
On the lands of Martinique, cocoa is reborn from its ashes after having disappeared. In recent years, enthusiasts have revived this bean. Patricia Brival, from the Vosges, has taken over a farm in the south of the island with her husband. The couple has been living in Martinique for over 30 years. They cultivate 1,500 square meters of cocoa, un know-how they share with curious tourists.
On their farm, they also offer workshops to explain cocoa processing techniques. “It’s really exceptional to be able to go from the bean to the tablet, to do everything by yourself”rejoices Patricia. The chocolate is made in Les Vosges. The couple should plant 80 additional cocoa plants in the coming months.