in Marseille, two new deaths against a backdrop of drug trafficking



Reading time: 3 min

In front of the Saint-Charles 2 elementary school, at the corner of Léon Gozlan and 141st RIA streets, in the 3rd arrondissement of Marseille, where the body of VTC driver Nessim Ramdane was discovered, shot in the head, on October 4 2024. (PENNANT FRANCK / LA PROVENCE / MAXPPP)

“We have an ultra-rejuvenation” of the perpetrators, the public prosecutor of Marseille was alarmed during a press conference on Sunday, while he was taking stock of two homicides which took place Wednesday and Friday in the Phocaean city.

Marseille is once again the scene of murders linked to drug trafficking. During a press conference on Sunday October 6, the Marseille prosecutor, Nicolas Bessone, gave numerous details on “two closely linked matters” which left two dead, Wednesday and Friday, in the Marseille area. A “rare wildness”according to the prosecutor, linked to “current conflict” between two drug trafficking gangs, the “DZ Mafia” and the “Blacks” clan of the Félix-Pyat city, for the takeover of a deal point.

“We have ultra-rejuvenation” perpetrators and an external victim, Friday, not hit by a stray bullet, but “coldly shot down”insisted the prosecutor, emphasizing “one more degree” crossed and “a total loss of bearings” in these clan wars, which gives rise to what the Marseille justice system now describes as “narcomicides”.

The first murder took place on Wednesday, at 3:40 a.m., when a 15-year-old minor was “stabbed with 50 stab wounds” And “burned alive”. He had been recruited, “via social networks, for 2,000 euros”by a 23-year-old inmate from the Aix-Luynes penitentiary center, for an act of intimidation. So he had to “burn the door and shoot in the door of a fellow inmate that he [estimait] to be part of the Black clan”, explained the prosecutor.

But once there, accompanied by another minor aged 15 who fled, “he will come across a group of people from the Félix-Pyat city, who were on guard (…) He will be questioned, searched and the people will discover that he is armedreports Nicolas Bessone. In a scene of savagery, if not unprecedented, rare”, the minor “will be stabbed with 50 stab wounds and taken to the Fonscolombes city, where, according to the results of the autopsy, he will be burned alive”.

The second homicide took place Friday at 4:20 a.m. It was the planned revenge of Wednesday’s, but it did not hit the intended target. Indeed, following the death of the 15-year-old minor, the same inmate from Aix-Luynes ordered a second “contract” to take revenge, “always from his cell”according to the Marseille prosecutor. He recruited a 14-year-old minor from Vaucluse to kill a member of the “Blacks” gang, this time for 50,000 euros.

Having left to carry out his mission aboard a VTC, the teenager allegedly asked the driver to wait for him. But he refused, angering the miner who shot him in the head with the 357 Magnum pistol he was armed with. “Our victim, Nessim Ramdane, [était] a distinguished footballer aged 36 and who, to support his family, also had this declared activity of driver”described prosecutor Nicolas Bessone. He doesn’t have, “neither directly nor remotely, any link with drug trafficking and, that evening, was only practicing his profession”.

The 14-year-old minor then fled and “called the sponsor who [suivait] operations from Aix-Luynes prison”. to ask him to have him exfiltrated from the area, cordoned off by the police. “Everything else will happen: the sponsor will not send a team, but will go to the 17th to denounce and give the precise location where the young assassin can be arrested and will claim this act in the name of the DZ Mafia”explained Nicolas Bessone.

In the context of this second murder, the Marseille prosecutor’s office opened a judicial investigation this Sunday for “intentional homicide with premeditation by an organized gang”, “criminal association”, “acquisition, possession, transport of category B weapons”. The prosecutor also announced two referrals to the prosecution with a view to indictment for the 14-year-old teenager, suspected of having shot Nessim Ramdane in the head, and for the 23-year-old detainee, suspected of ‘be the sponsor.

Concerning Wednesday’s events, two investigations were opened for “murder by an organized gang” and for “criminal association with a view to committing a fire by an organized gang”. The second minor who fled on Wednesday was arrested and “deferred this [dimanche] morning to be indicted”specified Nicolas Bessone.

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