in Marseille, parents divided

A mask on the face of his 7-year-old daughter? Léonie refuses: “This is not a life”, sighs this Marseillaise of forty years, while thethe children from 6 years old will be concerned by the wearing of the mask in a certain number of public places, from monday 3 january, according to a decree of Friday December 31 published Saturday in Official newspaper. “It’s hard enough at school, continues Léonie. They had already learned to read with the mask in first grade the year before, it was bad enough. “

Generalizing the measure for young children is absurd, she said. “The mask for the children? I don’t understand, she laments. In this case, let’s lock them up: they will no longer transmit! So for adults, yes in the mask, but for children, I find it hard. ” Less categorical, Lionel is not against it, but not really excited either. “It’s always painful to wear, he explains. But hey, if it’s a measure that pays off … we’ll see in time if it’s true. “

And then, with this compulsory mask almost everywhere, it will be necessary to provide a sufficient stock. “We found the alternative of washing them a little bit from time to time, explains this mom. Because it is true that between the hydroalcoholic gel and the masks, budget level, it was not planned in the program … “

For 6-year-old Wael, this measure is worth it: “That’s not a problem. It’s fine with me because I want to go to school. I don’t want my class to close.” And then, for some families, nothing will really change. The mask is already part of their daily life, as Fadwa explains.

“He had his mask on at school, outside, even if it was not compulsory. It was to teach him and to protect him. We have to be a little united and therefore I believe that it is ‘is a good thing.”

This is also what Adam, his ten-year-old son thinks. This is not a problem for him, but on condition that all adults set an example. “Everyone should wear the mask when we are outside. But really everyone! That way, at least, we will fight the virus and it will go away much faster”, he said.

In Marseille, parents divided over the wearing of a compulsory mask from 6 years old in certain public places – The report by Hugo Charpentier

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