in Mariupol, the Ukrainians want guarantees to evacuate


France 2

Article written by

C. Barbaux, A. Grenier-Comard – France 2

France Televisions

The city of Mariupol (Ukraine) is still besieged by Russian troops, Thursday, April 21. kyiv called for negotiations.

The survivors of Mariupol (Ukraine) are entrenched in a factory. They are several hundred, members of the 36th battalion of the Ukrainian army, as well as civilians. “The management had given its agreement so that workers and their families could settle in the anti-bombing shelter”, says a man. On Wednesday, April 20, the Russian army gave Mariupol resistance fighters four hours to surrender. An unseen opportunity.

The fire then fell again on the factory, which forms a lock in the conquest of the city, strategically located. A capture of the city by Moscow would allow him to post a victory, while his offensive was redeployed in the Donbass. “Let this become their common grave”, says a Chechen soldier. Thursday, April 21, the Ukrainian army announced that it is ready to leave Mariupol, but with the help of a third party, armed with weapons.

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