in Mariupol, the fierce resistance of the Ukrainians is wearing thin


France 2

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It is the end of the resistance in Mariupol (Ukraine), where the Ukrainians are still fighting against Russia.

Mariupol (Ukraine) is almost completely controlled by the Russians. There is only one pocket of Ukrainian resistance left, it is a huge steel plant. There, the Ukrainian soldiers are surrounded, entrenched for several weeks, they are no longer supplied. This factory is bombarded relentlessly, so the battle of Mariupol seems lost for the Ukrainians. But they are difficult to dislodge.

This is due in particular to the configuration of the site, because it is an immense labyrinth, partly underground, on several levels, concreted. For the Russians, taking Mariupol is crucial, it is a symbol, because it is a big city that is part of Donbass, claimed by their separatist allies. The city forms a strategic lock in the junction between the areas controlled in southern Ukraine by Moscow and those under the influence of the Donbass separatists, explains the journalist from France Télévisions, Luc Lacroix

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