In Mali, an investigation into possible “exactions” by Malian soldiers and Russian mercenaries

France is calling for an investigation into a raid carried out against Islamist terrorists from March 23 to 31 in central Mali, which resulted in the death of several hundred people. The Malian armed forces (the FAMa) say they have killed “203 fighters” during the operation which lasted more than a week.

But the toll could be much heavier. The testimonies of the villagers of Moura, in the area of ​​the three borders (Mali, Niger, Burkina) leave little doubt about what happened. The agglomeration is controlled by the Katiba Macina, belonging to the support group for Islam and Muslims, linked to Al Qaeda. Moura serves as a place of supply and rendezvous for jihadists who mingle with the local population.

On Sunday March 27, the day of the cattle market, the anti-terrorist operation carried out by the Malian armed forces and by white mercenaries began with the arrival of helicopters. The devices would have opened fire on the fleeing jihadists, then they would have deposited troops on the ground who fired indiscriminately. Witnesses recount summary executions, mass graves, rapes, and looting. So many abuses refuted by the Malian staff, which speaks of “defamatory speculations”.

This killing comes at a time when the junta in power in Bamako is regaining control of anti-terrorist operations, relations with Paris having become execrable. The departure from Mali of French soldiers from Barkhane has begun and the Malian government wants to show that it can do without France to strike at the jihadists, at the risk of killing civilians who are on the ground.

The Quai d’Orsay is concerned about the multiplication of abuses in central Mali since the beginning of the year, and the impunity that accompanies them. Paris calls for the rapid opening of investigations to bring the perpetrators of these acts to justice. One way to confront the Malian authorities with the situation they have created, by encouraging the departure of the French.

The participation of Russian paramilitaries in the military operation in Moura is beyond doubt, even if it is not mentioned by the Malian general staff. Officially, the Wagner group is content to train the Malian army.

The head of European diplomacy Josep Borrell asks that the Blue Helmets can investigate. In New York, United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres had already called on the Malian army and its partners to respect their international obligations. In the United States, the State Department considers “extremely disturbing” the information on the Moura massacre, it calls for an impartial investigation.

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