In Malaysia, two divers, including an 18-year-old Frenchwoman, were rescued three days after their disappearance

Both people survived and “are in hospital in stable condition”, the local police chief said on Saturday.

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Two out of three divers have been found. An 18-year-old Briton and Frenchwoman, who were diving off Malaysia earlier this week, were rescued on Saturday April 9, after being missing for three days. “They survived and are in hospital in stable condition.”, local police chief Cyril Eward Nuing said at a press conference. The Briton, Adrian Peter Chesters, 46, and the Frenchwoman Alexandra Molina were found by fishermen off the coast of the state of Johor (south), far from the place where they had initially started their dive, before being taken to hospital.

On the other hand, the son of the British diver, Nathen, aged 14 and of Dutch nationality, is still missing. Search operations continue to find him, according to the police, who have decided to concentrate their efforts further south, towards Singapore and neighboring Indonesia.

The diving session had started on Wednesday. The group was accompanied by a Norwegian instructor (rescued on Thursday), near a group of islands in southern Malaysia. But when the divers surfaced, they failed to see their boat and drifted in the strong currents.

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