in Lyon, the difficult care of unaccompanied minors


Video length: 3 min

Immigration: in Lyon, the difficult care of unaccompanied minors

Immigration: in Lyon, the difficult care of unaccompanied minors – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – E. Huin, M. Nadal, P. Gangai

France Televisions

Isolated minors of foreign nationality are a subject of conflict. The departments no longer have the means to manage them, and the reception centers are saturated. Illustration in Lyon.

They are between 15 and 17 years old. Minors, isolated, often coming from Guinea or Ivory Coast. In Lyon (Rhône), over the past three months, 1,200 young people have arrived, as many as in all of 2022. The local authorities are struggling to take care of them. In the Lyon night, they are forced to fend for themselves, without any help, forced to adapt. A group of young people from sub-Saharan Africa arrived alone in the territory. All claim to be minors.

70 young people live on the street in Lyon

Pending assessment of their status, departments normally have the obligation to shelter them. In Lyon, due to lack of space, 70 young people live on the streets. Mohammed has just arrived from Guinea. “I’ve been spending the night here for two weeks.”, he said. He shares his tent with three other people, in the dirt and humidity. Like him, most young people thought they would immediately see their minority recognized.

The Métropole de Lyon entrusts the examination of their status to a specialized association, Forum Réfugiés. During their stay at the center, they have confidential interviews and explain why they left their country. Moments of exchange are also used to assess their age. Half will be assessed as minors, the other will return to living on the street.

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